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Welcome to the 2014 Season!

Welcome to the 2014 Season!

The 2014 Women’s International Match Racing Series (WIM Series) is finally upon us! The teams are all gathering in Cork, Ireland for the 2014 ISAF Women’s Match Racing World Championships and the event organizers are ready for them. The weather gods are even in on the game – today dawned with blue skies and a nice breeze. Fingers crossed for the good luck to continue!

On behalf of the WIM Series organizers, I would like to welcome the teams to the first event. We are very excited to see a great group of teams returning from last year’s Series along with a fresh bunch of new teams looking to break their way into the top ranks. I can’t wait to see how the racing goes!

I took a tour yesterday of Camden Fort Meagher on the bluff overlooking the race course and was awed by the view and what looks like an

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excellent venue for both the sailors and spectators.

Best of luck to all of the teams – May the best team win!

Liz Baylis
WIM Series Manager